Friday we went to the Institutes quarterly opening social - the theme was school days. It was really cute. They played games like heads up 7 -up, rock, paper, scissors, had a spelling bee, played dodge ball etc. Madalyn won at rock, paper, scissors and got a gold star plus a pick of the $1 prizes, woohoo!!! Makayla took 1st on one of the rounds of the circle of death (tying balloons to your ankle - last one with a balloon wins). They also had sack lunches with notes from "mom" and "Dad" that read like this; "Darling, Have a great day at school and remember I want you to sign up for an institute class. Love, Mom" Depending on time, I'd like to have a get together with some friends (family if they were here), and mimic some of their ideas. Maybe it might be a good way to break up the winter break.