
Sequel to Some other Dude's Yard Sale

It was a fun, quirky, odd treasure hunt.

After a 2 day drive to our new home, we didn't happen upon an empty, ready to move in house.

Our realtor was right. He left a lot behind. Legally, he said it was all ours, the good and the bad.

There was wine in the cupboards, bum bum medicine in the cabinets, ssn card, old drivers license, family cards and letters, pictures, gift cards, a t.v., a couch, end tables, workout equipment, clothes, shoes, bedding, a lawn mower, fish tank, ladder, an old tray of Costco food, cleaning supplies, underwear in his dryer. and. and. and.

Within a week of moving in, we held "Some Other Guy's Yard Sale."

We sold most of it. Kept a few things. Donated the rest.

It was a success.

On to the Sequel....

On our quest to get organized the kids and I held our 3rd ever yard sale,

our first solo yard sale. We were part of a neighborhood one in Utah, "Some Other Guy's Yard Sale", and now our first real deal one.

Prior to starting the sale, we watched a show about restaveks in Haiti, young children that are basically slaves. It really moved us.

"Just a two hour plane ride from Miami, you will find thousands of children forced into domestic servitude. They are children of poor families sent to who are unknowingly sent to live as slaves in exchange for a false promise of a better life."

I don't think myself or my children realize the breadth of the exploitation and the human suffering that takes place in our world. The kids wanted to do something to help.

We did a little research and found a foundation, started by a former restavek, that has an impact on this problem www.restavekfreedom.org. The kids decided this was where we would donate our money.

We advertised on craigs list. The kids sold cookies. Set up the laptop to show the plight of the restaveks. They set up a can for donations to the restaveks in addition to proceeds from the sale.

Usually sequels aren't as good as the previous, but this one was, in more ways, than one.