
PreSchool Olympics

We've been staying up way past bedtime to watch the Olympics.
Our favorite event has been the short track speed racing.
Plus, the locals, Apollo Ohno and JR Celenski are in it.
It is fast and decisive.
With the Olympic frenzy at the house, I decided to center my pre-school theme around it too!

We had to get ready! We started off making flags from our made up countries. Then we needed to build the venues. All the Tonka's in the back yard sure helped out, we made roads, bumps, and hills in the gravel. Then we moved on to the BIG rocks for our Inukshuks.

Inukshuks are stone figures built to resemble humans. Inukshuks can be found along Canada's northern shores. Originally built as landmarks to aid in navigation, the Inukshuk has been adopted toaday as a symbol to remind us of our dependence on each other and the value of strong relationships. What a great emblem the Canadians Olympic Committee chose!

Our miniature version of Canadian Inukshuks (In-ook-Shook), so fun to say!

I told the kids that I woke up early, early to go see the Olympic torch.
First, we watched a little bit of the relay, thank you youtube! Once the kids got it we made our flame and had our own Olympic Torch Relay. Our Olympic theme music was blaring in the background.

Medal Winners.

Olympic Theme Pages.

Winter Sports Relay Finale.