
Last Cheer Game!

 End of Makayla's cheer season. Onto competition season.  Next couple of Saturdays super busy!
Makayla  has loved being a "flyer", the one going up in the stunts. I always wanted to be a flyer too, but I was a base only going up a few times.

She cheered for 9th grade JV football (undefeated season) and basketball (won most games).

Of course, she is darling.  Smiles and has energy but isn't all spastic and too over the top or stiff and boring.
Just right.

Randy loves coming to the games.  Madalyn and Cayden have a lot more interested in the basketball season games since both are in the middle of hers/his league play now.  
Even Makenzy can now make it through at least the first half. 

Either Randy or I, with some of the other 4 kiddos, have attended every game.
I think it is so important to support your kids when you can.
Though in classic, teen style, Makayla said, "You know you are the only family that comes to every game?"

When Randy cheered back at her, "Go Makayla" I had to nudge him and tell him,
you don't cheer on the cheerleaders. 
Stay safe and call out, "Go Bears", "Defense" or "Score!" 
Geesh - Cheer Dad's!