
Mrs. Arizona Pageant

My beautiful baby sister.

A little while ago, she was in a momma funk.

So she decided to participate in the Mrs. Arizona America pageant - the sister pageant to Miss America.

Her goal, at least make top 5 and try to stop eating ice cream. She is a fitness instructor and really has a rocking cute little body despite the chocolate, the vanilla, the mint, the rocky road, the pralines and cream, the strawberry, the superman, the sherbet, the whatever is in the fridge yum stuff. It is a habit we carried over into our married lives since ice cream was always a mainstay in the freezer thanks to Dad doing most of the grocery shopping.

Not even walking on stage, in a swimsuit, in heels, in front of friends, family, co-workers, and strangers, could dissuade her from the satisfaction of ice cream. But really when you are living in hot ole Arizona, ice cream is a staple.

Many of the contestants she participated with are on the "pageant circuit". One entered the same pageant 7 times before winning. This was Nic's first.

She made her goal, top 5, 3rd runner up!

I am so impressed you got in there and did it. If nothing else, than to prove you could. Love you sistah!