
It has been 2 years...

and we finally have some snow at our house!
We love it!!!!
We want some more of it.
Building snowmen used to be a pretty intense event.
We didn't go so much for looks as we did height.
Snowman building involved a ladder at our house.
The taller the better.
Here, we are just glad to have enough snow to make a snowman.
This one wasn't even as tall as Cayleb.
Put we were so glad to finally use our snowman kit again.
Notice the green grass in the back of the pic.
It took most of our front yard snow to make him come to "life".
Note - the whole community pretty much shut down.
No school for 2 days. Weird. Still seems crazy to us.
Catching snow.
The magic of the seasons.
Randy pulling the kids down the road on their sled.
The 4-wheelers won't start again.
Why do we store those things again?
Cayleb with his friend that moved away to Idaho and came back for a visit.

Serious sledding going on here!