Chocolate Festival, yum! We tried eggnog truffles, blueberry ganache nougats, of course chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate covered goat cheese, smoked salmon and lots of other delectable zero calorie chocolates all by the finest chocolatiers in the area! 
Saturday was busy - the obligatory Saturday jobs, Randy played morning ball and then ran 16 miles, we attended the baptism of 4 kids, and then headed out on a Girls Night and Boys Night Out. The Boys went and played more basketball and had dinner, well sundaes that were their dinner. The girls and I headed to the Chocolate and Wine Tasting Expo. We had truffles for dinner! Makenzy of course, loved the chocolate. At the spa spot, we lathered up on chocolate body butter.
Madalyn trying some Belgium chocolate.
At the Chocolate Expo., I made petit fours. So easy and beautiful that the girls and I decided to buy the stuff to make them at home. The boys helped and this is a sample of what we created.
Our chocolate fudge, raspbery filled petite fours. We are all pretty proud of ourselves. In fact, we hardly could leave it alone as the chocolate cooled in the fridge. What we didn't eat Sunday, the kids took in their lunches to school. May I mention that Randy hasn't eaten sugar since the New Year and he even refused this! Well, more for the rest of us.