What kid can resist a dirt hill?

Randy cooling down after his almost 6 min. split miles. I opted to come along with the kids as he literally ran circles around us. If you want to start to get psyched up for the Boston Marathon go

Makenzy - check out those "chubber" cheeks - you'd think the kid doesn't need "mama milk" anymore - I know it is almost time to wean her - by March, for sure.

We don't have enough sibling rivalry in our home - so Randy mixed up a little more. He challenged Madalyn (who loves to read) and Cayden (who thinks he does just fine with what he reads at school) to see who could finish the Book of Mormon first. The first one done gets to pick out an activity that the other one has to come along and do. Madalyn is already moaning she is going to have to go to the Lego Store - ugh!
Makayla read the Book of Mormon throught the first time on her own by age 9, Randy has read it so many times he can't count, and well the black sheep in the family, me, didn't read it from cover to cover until I was an adult and Nate was on his mission. My kids inspire me. My husband inspires me.

I think it is important for them to know for themselves, not because Mom and Dad said so. We took them to a different church in California (and need to go to a few more) just so they can see there are good people in all faiths and religious followings. But also, so they can find out for themselves what makes our faith stand apart from others and learn how to stand up for their beliefs.

Sister Lauchner and Sister Aria over for dinner. We see the missionaries lots. In fact, we saw them yesterday (to go do visits) today (to get a number), tomorrow (for the potluck), Saturday (for the baptism), and of course Sunday - that is just this week. They are doing great and so on top of it. However, Sister Aria says American food makes her sick, it is so processed - and I always thought it was the South American food. She is from a speck of an island in the South Pacific called Nukufetau (think Elder Groberg's mission). They eat rice and fish, and Minute Maid rice is not real rice, sorry!