Inspired by her brother's love of Star Wars, Madalyn wanted Princess Leigh's buns. However, as I got started doing them, her hair was sticking out and it didn't really look that crazy, more messy.
As I was messing around trying to fix it, her buns were emerging into nests, and as we all know great ideas are born from mess ups and mishaps -
white out, sticky notes and my favorite ice cream cones and
popsiclesAbout 5 minutes later we ended up with our original "Tweet" hairdo-
I thought it was cute and Madalyn was pleased and went off to school as happy as a singing canary!

To re-create our hairstyle, pull hair up into two ponytails, braid hair and loosely wind and bobby pin in place into two buns. Simply add a few twigs,
spanish moss, and egg (ours is
styrofoam from an Easter decoration with a
bobby pin jammed up the center and bent to hold it in place), place small stuffed bird on other bun, add leaves (torn from display in the house), use lots and lots of bobby pins and
wah-la- a pretty "tweet" and easy crazy hair do!

I can't tell you how many Lego pieces I have stepped on, straddled over and scooped up the last few months other than it is enough to now have "clean up
lego's in playroom" as its own job on our job wheel.
The boys have really been in
lego's the last several months, especially
lego Star Wars. As such, we definitely couldn't pass up the opportunity to help construct an 8 ft. tall R2D2 all out of
lego bricks.
Cayleb and Madalyn turning in their blue bricks to the Lego Master Builder-

building time-

Masters are masterful at what they do; come on
jedi masters and light sabers,
lego masters and a bazillion
legos - cool!
Anyhow, it is about a 3 day event, they travel all over the U.S., this R2D2 has been built 8 times already this year.
Does this find a home at Legoland? Nope! Once it is completely built, it is on display for 1 hour and then demo time, back in the boxes and off to another site to be built yet again.
If you have a Lego Store near you, I'd mark a Master Builder event as a "to do" with your kids at least once, it's free and fun!

Overview of the upper view-

A little shopping afterward at
Bellevue Square (we like this mall
Cayleb, Madalyn,
Makayla, Natalie and