Sister Bush was here visiting on splits and stopped over to say, "hi". She has been out for almost 6 months and we were in her 1st area. They are working so hard to let people know the joy the gospel brings to lives. We love their visits! We also found out that Lindsay and Sylvia Thomas will be the new mission president in North Carolina. We have always been so impressed with them. What an awesome couple! Plus she makes amazing mints - I guess it is all "mint" to be.
After talking to some of the faculty in Alaska, I think I could spend a couple of years up there. Hiking as a family we would most likely be safe from bear attacks because so far no group larger than 7 has ever been attacked and they said when you blow bubbles, they freeze mid-air and then crumble in your hand, plus church is only cancelled if it is around 50 below.
Even though he won't admit it, he is a good singer like his dad. The other week, we watched "On a Wing and a Prayer", a documentary about the air battalion that was shot up over Poland during WWII, so the kids could hear some of their Grandma White's and Randy's singing. His family sang the title song for the documentary.
This week Cayden finished up basketball. Unfortunately, Cayden was feeling sick for his last game. We haven't been sick at our house all year, until now. He did o.k. but you could tell he was tired. It was sort of like the championship game. Technically, score hasn't been kept until the last 2 games where they had referees. However, all season they have been undefeated. In a clincher at the end, the other team just pulled ahead and beat them. Randy told him it is good for him to experience losing, because when you sign up to play ball, you won't win every game and you just need to learn how to move on from the defeats to the next ball game.
Let me add, that 2 days ago, Randy played ball, and they won, but he was a bit bummed because his game was off. In fact, so much he said it was his worst game in years. What I saw in the last 20 minutes was some great "d" and a nice 3 pointer from the side, but when he missed his free throw I knew his game was off.
He was so excited to play because he usually teaches class during the week games. When Jason calls to remind him about the games, it is like they are little kids inviting each other out to play. It is great. I wish he had more time to play with his little basketball buddies. He sure misses his Tues./Thurs. ball time he used to have for years with Greg and the gang.