
Activity Day Mom and Me

A little R and R at the M and M, Mom and Me
Activity Day Leaders: Makay, Shawna, (9 yr. old leaders) Barb, Melissa, (10/11 yr. old leaders) Me, Bridgette (not pictured, 8 yr. old leaders). This is my 3rd go around in activity days, I keep getting put in because I've just had a baby and/or Randy has a time consuming calling, or I am lucky.

I'd seriously do activity days over a lot of other callings, especially compassionate service. Topic for another blog, but seriously when I was asked to pull someones weeds for a family that had older kids when I was big ole pregnant with little toddlers to boot, among other stories, well......

let's just say this is a much better fit for moi!
Barb is the master mind behind our lists, e-mail updates, and anything else that needs secretarial type skills, thank you!! The rest, the creative force.
We hosted a potluck dinner. Each age group brought in a part of the meal that they made with their mom. Madalyn and I made
  • easy peaches and cream salad.
2 packages peach flavored jello.
2 cups boiling water.
1 gallon softened vanilla ice cream.
Soften ice cream. Mix up both jello packets with hot water. Mix jello mix and ice cream together. Put back in freezer to re-set. Optional, garnish with fresh peaches and whip cream.
This is seriously the bang of molly Mormon recipes; ice cream and jello!
Barb took pics of the girls, had and A-Z worksheet for things we are thankful for a great filler while waiting for everyone to show up, had a yumma dinner, the momma's shared loving, special notes with their daughters, and then we had dessert. Easy peasey, but achieved the main goal of spending time with mom and daughter.
My most favorite Madalyn, ever!