
Turkey Bowl

Husky Stadium on a sunny, dry day. Some great ball is played here, not so much this year, but the only game I really follow anyway is the annual turkey bowl game,
when my son plays
alongside his dad.
Randy, Malcolm, Cayden, Ethan
Annual Turkey Bowl at Husky Stadium.
Each year the Institute reserves the field for the students to have an amazing game night.
One of the perks of Randy's job is that our family can come too.
The girls and I like tossing the ball around a little bit, but hours on end in the cold doesn't entice us more than a night by the fire watching a chic flic and eating ice cream.

Cayden looks forward to this every year. It is big for a kid to pretty much have free run of a collegiate football field for hours on end. He invited some of his football loving friends to come spend the night with him. They played football, but also had fun running up the bleachers, having kicking contests, and downing tons of hot chocolate.

A little more hot chocolate to keep them going,
6 hours of play and you need some sugar.