
Happy Birthday Grandma French Frye

Happy Birthday Grandma Frye - 83! Today, I had a chance to call up Grandma Frye- Grandma French Frye. After I wished her a happy birthday, she tells me that she is headed over to the rest home to visit Grandpa. She told me earlier in the week, she was thinking how it is hard having her husband in the rest home. She says the rest home is a little depressing. Grandpa's friend passed, and then Grandpa was moved him into his old friend's room, then his other friend died too. I guess "the end" prevails in places like that. But, she said on her way out from a visit earlier this week, she ran into a lady loaded with bags, dishes, clothes headed into the building. She asked her if she needed a hand and the lady gratefully accepted. Grandma found out she was there to visit BOTH her husband who had a stroke and her 19 year old daughter with cereberal palsy. She then remarked, "Can you imagine - both your husband and daughter there." That made having just Grandpa there seem doable to Grandma. "Yvette, you think you have it hard until you talk to someone else. Just remember that you can find happiness in any situation of life. Be grateful for your own problems and that you don't have it harder." Well, Grandma I am grateful - thanks for your continued perspective and wisdom learned over the years!