
No thanks, sugar

Run, run as fast as you can, then give up the burgers and the white flour and amazing things can happen, so I've been told. As I've said, I am a half hearted runner, I do it because my husband does it. He wants us to be healthy and fit and it give us a connection. I am training for a half-marathon and want to improve on my last time. Randy ran 20 miles the other day, I ran/walked 4. Mind you, he runs around me, he is doing timed miles at a 6:25 pace, I am looking for ways to improve my run - so I am going to the food source -sugar.
When I talked to my Dad the other day and told him I made homemade sweet rolls, "that is bad for you" jumped out of his mouth.
Really I thought the sweet rolls were pretty good, I ate three. But no joke, the sugar queen is going to lighten up for a bit.
Dad recently had heart surgery, and as such has given up the hamburger, the ice cream, the white bread among other things. He's lost about 10 pounds.
Randy hasn't been eating sugar, minus a few splurges, since January. I keep trying to convince him a little doesn't hurt, but he is committed. He is down to 10% body fat, way to go Randy! He asks if I want to join. I often bite down on a cookie while I think about it. Though, Makayla joined in for January and most of Feb., no sugar.
Then there was my friend Barb. She is going in for heart surgery on Monday -she says a lot of it is attributed to too many yumma cookies.
I find comfort in carbs and sugar. I love nilla wafers in whole milk, mini cupcakes (a favorite after school snack), cookie dough and cookies. But, I don't love the bread dough feeling stomach, so I am easing up on my sugar intake. No sugar until Easter, then I'll re-evaluate...I've got to start with baby steps.
Thanks Dad, Randy, Makayla, Barb.