
Watch Randy Run!!!

Today is the day! To track Randy's progress go to www.baa.org and type in his bib number to see how he is doing, bib number is 5829.

Thank you everyone for your support, it has been incredible and means a lot!

O.k. I just saw Randy get on the shuttle to take him to Hopkinton Park - the starting point. He couldn't sleep last night, NERVES, despite even popping a sleeping pill to help.

Shuttle ride to park - LATE by 45 minutes! Not a calming start.

We are only 10 minutes away from the start but apparently the traffic is BAD even by Boston standards, so the front desk told us. We had fun chit-chatting with runners in the lobby, many of them 1st time Boston runners. All Randy's marathons have been filled with the waves of anticipation of the outcome, excitement and the clenched knot that fills my gut and washes down my legs - and I am not even running.

Slight fog, damp, misty air - typical SEATTLE weather IN BOSTON - so sad, too bad for those Floriday and California runners. Nothing new for Randy - he is ready, he has paid his rainy dues, he is hyped up, he is crazy!

More to come as Randy checks off a life goal - RUN A MARATHON, RUN BOSTON!