I always like to go,
and so far we haven't been rained on,
though I've sat on wet grass a time or two.
This time, not so, it was so hot, I brought a squirt bottle to cool the kids down. Cayden asked to keep it for the rest of the day and was envied during PE time when he unscrewed the lid, and gulped down the remaining water.
Of course, Cayleb thinks school lunch is great - this time he even got sherbet ice-cream.
Madalyn and Cayden got DQ chicken tenders, but the slushies melted. They still gulped down the high fructose, neon colored sugar water.
After lunch, Madalyn showed me how fast she can spin her friends on the tire swing, the previous day Hannah threw up after getting off,
Cayleb decided not to climb on,
Cayden stroked me along at tether ball then smacked it so hard, I thought I was playing with at least a tenth grader,
he won.
The "French Girls" - Cayleb says this while raising his eyebrows and giving a little smile, they are the girls in the matching green sun dresses.
Cayleb and his friend Timothy met the twin french girls at the park while I struck up a conversation with their mom about recently moving from England.
They turn 5 in June just like Cayleb. He thinks they are cute. They are his first crush.
We periodically bump into them, he keeps asking to go back to the park by their house, and wants me to stop the truck when we see them to say "hello".
Ooooh, la, la! Cute now, probably not so cute as he gets older.