
First Day of School


The night before school the kids pick and lay out their new school outfit on the front room couch. Backpacks bulging with new school supplies labeled; penciles, tissue boxes, hand sanitizers, and flash drives sit at the base of each hand selected wardrobe ensemble.

Randy gives each of the kids a father's blessing.

In the morning, I wake up extra early, this is my farewell salute to summer sleep ins, and Randy makes homemade pancakes with fresh blueberries, sausage, and his fluffy eggs. I am prepared for day 2 and beyond with lots and lots of cold cereal choices.

As he finishes cooking, I gently wake up the kids (the frenzied, "good morning, hurry and get up we gotta get a-movin starts on day 2), rub their backs, tell each one how exciting starting a new school year is, and that I just can't believe how fast another year comes around.

We are all ready early with time to take official "first day of school photos".
Cayden, "SCHOOL IS IN!"

Makayla told us "DO NOT" take pictures of her getting on the middle school bus, last year that was a no, no too, but I did it anyway.
This year, I kinda of caved to tween pressure.
I took the pic just a few yards away from the bus stop.

Makayla -

Madalyn -

Cayden -