
Wicked back in the Emerald City

Several years ago when we were in Chicago's theater district, walking with multiple strollers, we saw the Wicked marquis and decided we would go eventually.

And we did!

The opening curtain before the show started.

Madalyn knows almost all the lyrics to the musical, her favorite song is "Popular". She and her friend Kaylee did their mock-up version of the song in this year's ward spring talent show.
On this one, the critics were right, we loved, loved, loved the show!
Great humor, witty tie-ins to Wizard of Oz, great underlying message...

Afterwards, we stopped in Barney's of New York. We took a look at some of the cute stuff, high-heels for a thousand dollars, sneakers for $500. Some of it, no matter whose label it is in the "wouldn't wear that pile for sure", the girls agreed.
A jacket very similar to one I just purchased for a killer sale of $5, was priced at $2,500. I am definitely not high fashion, nice clothes are important to a point, but the rest is definitely excess, no matter who you are or what you have, yup it is just one more way I defy gravity!
It is fun to look, but I asked my girls, wouldn't you rather have a life experience, see a show (like Wicked), visit a place, get some education, develop a talent for what it would cost for an outfit or two? They agreed. I know everyone has something they like to spend a little extra on, for me it just is not and never will be clothes.
But, it is still way fun to look!
Can't put a price on these two cuties and their wicked fun.