Breakfast. Lucky Charms and green milk.
Dinner. All green. Green mint ice cream, green grapes, green filled oreos, granny smith apples, green drink, celery sticks, green pepper slices, cucumbers, green salad, pickles, sour cream and chives chips (comes in a green bag), and more green. and more green. Probably ate the non-nutritious food until they were almost green.
Fortunately, this year the leprechauns weren't too naughty. Last year they were on a rampage. Randy took the kids out running and riding bikes, while I ran an errand to the store. I passed the kids on the way back up the hill. We all returned to a series of naughty, needling tricks.
Dumped clothes out of dressers, bed pillows and blankets thrown on the ground, mattresses stacked against the doors, green footprints left across the kitchen table and bathroom, a ransacked kitchen - all the doors and drawers open, garbage can knocked down. Awful. Just awful.
This year, the leprechauns must have recalled my rancor and decided to leave this house alone!