
Top O' The Day

 It was a bit O'the Irish at our house on St. Patrick's...and the day before St. Patrick's. 
Since Randy and I were going to be mia deep in the Emerald City until the late wee hours on St. Patty's, we had our Irish meal the night before at our "Rainbow Tavern."

In this month's Family Fun mag. some super creative person must have been staring into a bowl of yogurt covered pretzels, imaging what it looked like, much like I look at the clouds to see shapes, and saw a shamrock.
Seriously, super creative.
So we got our bowl of yogurt pretzels and made some shamrocks too!
 A classic Irish menu: Irish soda bread, great green items, a fruit  "rainbow" (a tradition we added last year...a bowlful of skittles has been a traditional stand in rainbow), and of course corned beef.  This year we put ours in the oven instead of the crock pot and I liked it so much more.  It was more tender and this year, for the first year, there wasn't any left over!  The kids are definitely acquiring a better palette.

Our "Great Green Chef" was Makayla.  She is making meals as part of one of her YW goals and a school project that requires 20+ hours.
Great, healthy thematic fare.

No pics here....those naughty leprechauns took our camera!  Green milk and Lucky Charms made for a quick and easy breakfast while green eggs and ham were an easy dinner since Randy and I were gone!

While we were away,
 a naught little leprechaun visited the house,
leaving taunting notes on the mirrors,
pulling clothes out of dressers,
upturning mattresses, and
leaving green, sticky, sugar crystals all over the bathroom vanity. 

Luckily he didn't do more damage. 
We think he must have been scared off and quickly fled
 because he left behind some "treasure" in gold boxes.
Money and chocolate.

Cayleb, his friend Gabe, Kenzi and  I had made a leprechaun trap out of a fruit snack box earlier in the week to try and catch the mischievous jokesters, but to not avail, they still were pretty naughty this year.

 Oh, blarney!