I always like going to Pike's Place. The kids, not so much.
"Why does everyone that come in town want to go there? It is just a store outside. We'll stay home." So they did. Actually, after heading to the institute for lunch, Randy kindly offered to take kids home. As such, I played tourist guide and had some family adult time with Ang and Walt.
We visited the Needle, ate overpriced but yummy fudge. A hop aboard the monorail to downtown, where we hopped off to visit the waterfront, strolled through some shops looking for small gifts for Ariel to take to her host families in Finland (Ye Ole' Curiosity Shop is still pretty eclectic), and ate dinner at Ivar's Restaurant (which if your in town is a must, plus this one is a nice sit down option).
Blessings come in small ways.
Walt, my brother in law, has eagerly been wanting to start his deceased parents and 2 brothers temple work since joining the church a short while ago. He has been on fire since joining church and starting their temple work holds a lot of significance for him. The knew found knowledge that families can be together forever is amazing to him and he wanted to get a move on creating that for his family.
Randy called the temple to see if maybe we could get in, we weren't sure, not having an appointment and calling last minute. But amazingly, there was a cancellation that gave us enough time to get ready and drive to the temple. Two weeks ago Makayla missed the annual youth visit to the temple to do temple work because of mandatory tryouts. However she had already been interviewed to demonstrate her desire to be temple ready at all times. As such, all 5 of us piled in the truck and drove in the rain to the temple. It was a touching and spiritual opportunity that left us teary eyed and full of the gospel's goodness.
We celebrated later than evening by eating out at Salty's.
Loved having you guys up. Come again soon. Now you can say you've seen the real Seattle. Rain. Gray. Rain.